
Agile Developer release09






This Release Contains below mentioned Features, Enhancements and Fixes


  1. Enable Page Load action in this version, using which you can open/Load tstruct and iviews.
  2. Provide an option to hide application menu.
  3. SSO-Login to Axpert using window’s UserName.
    To enable this feature add the given Key and values in web.config.
    <add key=”ssologin” value=”windows”/>
    NOTE: Same window’s username should be created in Axpert User Login.

Bug Fixes

  1. While saving any transaction which is having RTF field, it is throwing error message “Invalid Input detected. Please try later”. And after that save button is also getting disabled.
  2. If “Show keyboard in Hybrid App” is set as false for any tstruct then auto-complete field is not able to select any value.
  3. Not able to create pages, as page builder is showing blank page. UI is not visible.
  4. In Popup grid and Wizard DC, While adding new record in grid rows attach button is not clickable.
  5. In nongrid attachment if user save any files, files are storing in file server path, but if user login in another session then same attached files are not opening, it is showing “HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found”
  6. If multi-select field is mandatory and focus is on some other field then not able to save the is throwing error message as “field cannnot be empty” NOTE: if all the values are selected [as selected is TRUE in query]
  7. In grid dc, if user is attaching more files then file name which is already showing in text field again the same file name should not show in ‘num+’ hyperlink.
  8. Capture images are not saving in file server path.