1. SSO Integration through OKTA
  2. SSO Integration through Azure AD


SSO Integration through OKTA

Agile developer lowcode SSO

Steps to Enable SAML SSO:

  • Add/Enable below web.config keys
  • <add key="SamlPartnerIdP" value=""/ >
    <add key="ssologin" value=""/>
    <add key="ssoredirecturl" value=""/>

    <add key="SamlPartnerIdP" value="https://sts.windows.net/0b1513a2-8f4d-4478-ab27-28da7a534984/"/>
    [After this, add application in Azure AD portal. It will generate 'Azure AD Identifier' url that needs to be copied ]
    <add key="ssologin" value="saml"/>
    <add key="ssoredirecturl" value="http://demo.agile-labs.com/"/>

  • ServiceProvider and PartnerIdentityProviders needs to be changed in saml.config file
    1. ServiceProvider Name: Identifier (Entity ID)
    2. AssertionConsumerServiceUrl: Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL
    3. PartnerIdentityProvider Name: Azure AD Identifier url
    4. SingleSignOnServiceUrl: Login URL from Azure AD portal
    5. SingleLogoutServiceUrl: Logout URL from Azure AD portal
    6. Certificate FileName: Certificate name has to be specified here. And the same can be downloaded from Azure AD portal. Copy this into Saml_Certificates folder in webcode