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File upload fields in forms

Axpert 11

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File Uploads in Fields Form

These are fields that provide options to users to upload one or more files. Each file name will be shown as a tag within the field. The file names are stored in the field as comma-separated values. There can be more than one file-upload field in a form. These may be added to grid frames too. The name of a file-upload field should be prefixed with AxpFile_.
Agile developer lowcode Fields Form
By default, the uploaded files are stored in a database table. The name of the database table will be TransId+FieldName. The transid is the name of the tstruct/form. The field name is the name of the file-upload field without the prefix AxpFile_.
Agile developer lowcode AxpFile
If the transid is ‘form1’ and the file-upload field name is ‘axpfile_mydocs’, the table name will be form1mydocs.
It is not very efficient to store file uploads within the database. The uploaded files may be stored in a file server at a given path. Set the file server name in app variable named AxpFileServer<. The file path should be set in AxpFilePath.
Agile developer lowcode Axp FilePath
If the file server is protected with a password, it should be set in AxpFileUser and AxpFilePwd.

To store in all files in a server named DocServer in path E:\Axpert\FileUploads with user name AxpertFileUploader, password Agile.01
Go to App Vars option under utils in developer site.Add the following vars:


To change the path for a file-upload field in a form, add a field prefixed with AxpFilePath_. The field name should be the same as the file-upload field. The path set as a value in this field will be used to upload to the file server set in AxpFilePath app vars.

If the file-upload field name is Axpfile_mydocs, the file-upload-path field should be named AxpFilePath_mydocs. This field value should be the path (like E:\Axpert\SpecialDocs\). It may also contain along with server name like \\docserver\Axpert\SpecialDocs\.

A file name modifier may be added to the end of the file path suffixed with *..In that case, the file names will be added to the modifier string. If the file-upload-path field contains \\docserver\Axpert\SpecialDocs\202110101800*
If a file named “MyPhoto.jpg” is uploaded, it will be stored in