
Agile Developer

WebService Input/Output Format

Axpert 11

TStructs (Forms)



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WebService Input/Output Format


Login web service is used to validate the user name and password and returns the result as xml.

How to call from Axpert dot net

ASBExt .WebServiceExt objWebServiceExt=new ASBExt.WebServiceExt ();
string result = objWebServiceExt.CallLoginWS(“project”, inputXml);

Direct Call fom other apps

ASBMenu.ASBMenuservice asbMenu = new ASBMenu.ASBMenuservice();
string result = objWebServiceExt.CallLoginWS(“project”, inputXml)

Input Xml Format

Agile developer lowcode XML Format


GetStructure web service is used to get a given TStructs structure xml. This xml is used to pass as one of the parameters to some of the web services.

How to call from Axpert dot net

ASBExt .WebServiceExt objWebServiceExt=new ASBExt.WebServiceExt ();
string result = objWebServiceExt.CallGetStructureWS(transId, inputXml);

Direct Call fom other apps

ASBDefine.ASBDefineservice asbDefine = new ASBDefine.ASBDefineservice();
String result = asbDefine.GetStructure(inputXML);

Input Xml Format

Agile developer lowcode XML Format

Input xml nodes and their details

Agile developer lowcode XML Format


Agile developer lowcode XML Format

The structure xml will contain all the details of the dc and the fields in the TStruct.


DoFormLoad web service is called to load a new record with the default values in the TStruct fields, apply any formcontrol like disable/enable/hide/show fields.

How to call from Axpert dot net

ASBExt .WebServiceExt objWebServiceExt=new ASBExt.WebServiceExt ();
string result =objWebServiceExt.CallDoFormLoadWS(transId, loadXml,structXml);

Direct Call fom other apps

result = asbTStruct.DoFormLoad(inputXML, structure);

The web service takes 2 parameters, the inputXml and structure xml. The input xml is as shown below. The structure xml is the result from the GetStructure web service.

Input Xml Format

Agile developer lowcode XML Format

Input xml nodes and their details

Agile developer lowcode XML Format

The result will contain the field values and dc nodes in the Json format as shown below



The data node will contain the dc and field nodes

Agile developer lowcode XML Format


LoadData web service is called to load an existing record with the default values in the TStruct fields.

How to call from Axpert dot net

ASBExt .WebServiceExt objWebServiceExt=new ASBExt.WebServiceExt ();
string result =objWebServiceExt.CallDoFormLoadWS(transId, loadXml,structXml);

Direct Call fom other apps

result = asbTStruct.DoFormLoad(inputXML, structure);

Input Xml Format

Agile developer lowcode XML Format

Input xml nodes and their details

Agile developer lowcode XML Format

The result will contain the field values and dc nodes in the Json format as shown below


gids<br>CMIS -000008 ,CMIS -000023,CMIS -000024,CMIS -000025,CMIS -
s"},{"n":"remarks","v":"need to merge before releasing 9.5","r":"0","t":"m"}]}

The data node will contain the dc and field nodes

Agile developer lowcode XML Format


GetChoices is a globally used web service which takes parameter as the sql query and returns the result set as xml.

How to call from Axpert dot net

ASBExt.WebServiceExt objWebServiceExt=new ASBExt.WebServiceExt ();
string result = objWebServiceExt.CallGetChoiceWS(transId, dbTimeSql);

Direct Call fom other apps

ASBMenu.ASBMenuservice asbMenu = new ASBMenu.ASBMenuservice();
string result = asbMenu.GetChoices(inputQuery);

Input Xml Format

Agile developer lowcode XML Format

Input xml nodes and their details

Agile developer lowcode XML Format

In the above example the query to be executed is

“select distinct b.structname, c.caption from importdatadetails b, tstructs c where”


Agile developer lowcode XML Format

The above query returns 6 items for ‘structname’ and ‘caption’. If the query does not return any value then the result xml will be as shown below

Agile developer lowcode XML Format

Agile developer lowcode XML Format


Save data web service is used to save a TStruct record into the database

How to call from Axpert dot net

ASBExt.WebServiceExt objWebServiceExt = new ASBExt.WebServiceExt();
result = objWebServiceExt.CallSaveDataWS(transid, serviceInputXml, ires);

Direct Call fom other apps

ASBTStruct.ASBTStructservice asbTStruct = new ASBTStruct.ASBTStructservice();
String result = asbTStruct.SaveData(inputXML, structure);