
Agile Developer

Axpert Utility

Axpert 11

TStructs (Forms)



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Axpert Utility


  1. Arrange Menu
  2. SQL
  3. Get Axpert API
  4. Custom SQL
  5. App variables/params
  6. Import Definition
  7. API Definition
  8. Email Definitions
  9. Publish Listing
  10. Table Descriptor
  12. Custom Datatype

About Utilities in Axpert
A set of useful functions have been made available on the developer site under the utility option in the menu bar.

To organize the menu and exhibit only the required details on the run site, the Arrange menu option can be used. This is useful when there are multiple Tstructs/Forms that exist in the same workspace and need proper rearrangement. In order to achieve a sorted view of the menu on the run site, an arrangement of forms and scripts should be performed on the developer site.

Click on the Arrange menu option available under utility.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

You can find the list of all the forms and Tstructs that have been created in the workspace.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

From the list select the required item that needs to be sorted. Drag and drop the selected item according to the requirement. Click on save to finalize the arrangement.

A new folder can be created by using Add Folder option on the top right. Items can be moved into the newly created folder accordingly. Click on the Save button after moving required items successfully.

For example, moving all the department-related items to the new folder.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

The arrange menu option also lets you hide selected items being displayed on the run site. Items can be hidden by clicking on the hide button near the check box.

For example, as shown in the image below the Department master item will not be displayed on the run site when executed.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu


A standardized programming language used to manage relational databases and perform various operations on the data can be used in Axpert.

The SQL option in the utility allows the user to execute SQL queries and fetch details from the Tstructs/forms. For example, fetch all the values present in the department table named deptf1.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

Get Axpert API

Axpert APIs are intermediaries that establish a connection between different applications and allow communication with each other. To generate an Axpert API, go to Utility and click on Get Axpert API.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

Choose the desired category from the list. Select the form and particular field name you want to generate API for. The URL and sample request JSON are autogenerated, that can be used while defining your API.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu


App variables/params

Application variables can be added by defining the variable name and variable value. As the name suggests the variable can hold different values based on the assignment. The variable value can be a constant value. Data from the database may be read and assigned to these vars. Use FireSQL & SQLGet functions in the script to assign values.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

To define application variables in Axpert, go to Utility and click on App vars/Params. Define a script or set a default value for the variable and click on Submit.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

Below is the list of default application variables:

  • Username – Logged in user name
  • Userrole – logged user roles, comma-separated role names
  • Connection name – the name of the connected schema.
  • Axp_language – selected language.
  • Axp_timezone – time zone from of the server.
  • Siteno – This contains the logged-in site no. This is useful only in the case of multi-site deployments with data synchronization.

One or more application parameters can be defined. The parameter values will be accepted by the user after login. To define a parameter, click on the “is parameter” checkbox on the top of the variable name. Provide appropriate SQL query to be executed or default values.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

Import Definition

Click on Import Definition in the Utility section.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

Insert appropriate values in the definition as per the requirement

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

Use AxImport in the script of the Tstruct where you want to import data. Place the file you want to import from, in the same path.

AxImport({impdef},{\\server_ip\file_path \filename.csv},username)

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

Create a button for import from the Toolbar of the Tstruct.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

Click on Submit, and save the structure.

Go to the run site and find the executable Tstruct.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

Click on the button created for importing data.
On Success, the data from .csv should reflect in the run site and the file should move from the existing path to the Success folder.

Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

On failure, the data from the file will not be imported and the file is moved to the Fail folder in the same path.
Open the list view and find the imported data in the Tstruct.

API Definition

To define your own API, select API definition in the Utility section.

Agile developer lowcode API

On the API definition page

    1. Select the category
    2. Select the response type- Axpert or External
    3. Select the Response format
    4. Name the API with a suitable name
    5. Select an API method- Get, Post, Put

Note: Paste the API URL and response string generated using the ‘Get Axpert API option’ accordingly.

  1. Insert the API URL
  2. Insert the Response String
  3. Click on Submit to save your definition

Agile developer lowcode API

Email Definitions

Emails can be sent to users using email definitions against respective Tstructs and Iviews.
To send an email, set the email definition which can be invoked in the script.

How to define an Email?
On the developer site, Go to Utility and click on Email Definitions.

Agile developer lowcode API
Define Email by clicking on “New” and inserting appropriate values.
Agile developer lowcode API

How to get started?
Create a Tstruct with desired fields and write scripts for invoking email definition. For example, create a Tstruct named email testing with name, age, transno, priority. Write a script calling the email definition as shown below.

Agile developer lowcode API

The “testemail” is an email definition defined in the utility section as shown below.

Agile developer lowcode API

Create a button in the toolbar against the Tstruct, to trigger the email dispatch.

Agile developer lowcode Tstruct

In the run site, use the button created to send mail. Load the data you want to send and click on “Send Email” button.

Agile developer lowcode Tstruct

  • To insert fastreport as an attachment use the following script
  • Axp_EMailAttachment := {f__fastreport1.pdf}

    Agile developer lowcode Tstruct

  • To save before sending an email using the following script
  • Save()

  • To send email without defining them in the utility section, use the following script
  • Axp_EMailTo :={}
    Axp_EMailSubject :={dummy email}
    Axp_EMailBody :={test mail by akshenoy}

    Agile developer lowcode Tstruct

  • To send image as an attachment use the following script
  • Axp_EMailAttachment := {i__*.*}

  • To include conditions while sending email use the script below
  • if (priority={High})
    Axp_EMailAttachment := {\\\file_Path\import\Agile labs.pdf}
    elseif (priority={Medium})
    Axp_EMailAttachment := {\\\file_path\import\Agilelabs logo.png}
    Axp_EMailAttachment :={i__*.*}

  • To send a header attachment – Enable the “Allow attachment” in form properties.
  • Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

    And use the following code in the script:
    Axp_EMailAttachment :={a__*.*}

  • To send a uploaded file as an attachment.
  • Use the following code in the script:
    Axp_EMailAttachment :={:axpfile_samplefilename__*.*}

How to send emails using Iviews?
Similar to sending data from the Tstruct, we can send Iview in the body of the email or as an attachment in either HTML, PDF, or excel.

  • To send an email with Iview data in the body of the mail.
  • Create an Iview and fetch the field names from the respective Tstruct.

    Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

    In the scripts, including the email definition that was defined in the Utility section as shown.

    Agile developer lowcode Arrange Menu

    For example, fetch name, age, priority from the table Email1
    select name, age, priority from Email1
    and write a script to send email. In the below snippet IVemail is the user defined email definition.

  • To send individual rows of an IView
  • Create an Iview to fetch the details
    select username, password,'h6,hyperlink,accountcircle' as axrowoptions from axusers

    Agile developer lowcode Publish Listing

    Then, write a script to send an email
    Agile developer lowcode Publish Listing

    Create a button from the Toolbar to trigger send.
    Agile developer lowcode Publish Listing

Publish Listing

To publish Tstructs from one instance to another we can use Publish Listing option from the Utility section.

Agile developer lowcode Publish Listing

Click on Add Server option available on the top right corner, to begin with, the server configuration.
Agile developer lowcode Publish Listing

Next, On the server configuration page

  1. Select the Server type Publish or
  2. Enter the name of the server where you want the instance
  3. Enter the URL of the server where the instance has to be
  4. Enter Axpert connection name (schema name) where the instance has to be
  5. Click on

Agile developer lowcode Publish Listing

On Submission, Click on Publish Listing. This will direct to the structure listing page.

Agile developer lowcode Publish Listing

Select the server name and choose the Tstructs, Views, Pages to be published from the list and click on Go. The published items can be found on the run site of the Axpert connection provided during configuration.

Table Descriptor

To define Dynamic table fields we use table descriptor and it should be defined in JSON. In the run site, based on the condition the table will be displayed accordingly.

For example, if an application is to be filled by the employee, the form will have a date, name, department an extra column called reporting manager. If a manager is filling out the same form, it will just have three columns date, name, department. The employee table should have a Definition Source Field, which will have the condition to filter the employee and manager.

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This option in the utility allows you to download the Axfast application that is useful for the creation of custom reports.

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Click on the download button. A .exe file gets downloaded into the system.
Run the application as administrator and install it in the desired system location.
Click on agree to terms and conditions.
Click on Install.
On success “Axfast has been successfully installed” message appears.
Click on finish.
Open the Axfast and connect your application by creating a new connection.
• Choose the database
• Enter the URL
example: http://192.x.x.x/devscripts
Where devscripts is an Axpert web or run script site name from IIS
• Enter a remote project name: enter run-time schema name, example: agilerp
• Click on Test connection
• On success “Test connection successful” message appears.

Log in to your application with your credentials
Find all the forms/tstructs in the create axpert form drop-down.

Agile developer lowcode Downloads

Create a new report by clicking on the new icon (green).
Enter a suitable name for the report.
Choose the output format for the report and Click on Design report. Proceed with the regular report creation steps on Axfast.

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Custom Datatype

To define a user-defined data type, go to utility –> custom datatype

Agile developer lowcode Datatype

To create a new data type, click on new on the right top. Enter the appropriate name and choose the type from the drop-down as shown.

Agile developer lowcode Datatype

After the type is chosen, set the width and decimal for the data type. For example, Width -6 and decimal-4. Click on Submit.

Next, go to a Tstruct and create a field based on the data type you created. For example, here we create a numeric field like a whole number as the defined type is numeric.
Enter the name and caption and choose the custom data type defined from the drop-down

Agile developer lowcode Datatype

On choosing, the width and decimal get aligned with the custom data type value is defined. For example – default width -10. After choosing the Custom data type, the width and decimal are 6 and 4 respectively. Click on submit and save the created field to proceed.

Agile developer lowcode Datatype