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Bug Fixes
- Dropdown values should display along with the selected value on the focus/click of the dropdown fields.
- Clone functionality in grid dc is not functioning properly as expected.
For example, In Create leave plans form, After cloning the existing record, the source record grid values are getting disappeared. - Clone functionality – Boolean dc should work similarly to the existing data set available.
For example, Once after cloning the existing record, Boolean DC is not behaving as the existing data set. - Holiday Listing- on the selection of date & on submit it is throwing row cannot be left empty
- Shift Master – On editing of time in existing records, dependencies are not getting refreshed
- Shift Master- In the grid, if the last field is a read-only field then on click of tab it won’t load the new row(No issue)
- Shift Master- On modifying the existing form & to time are not getting refreshed on field exit only on submit it is getting updated
- Leave Configuration on Select Custom Round off – The hyperlink given on a field label, is displaying with scroller & It is displaying the dropdown box
- Time off Leave Request, The search Screen is not fit with the Form. It has shown as a separate box.
- Employee Info Details->City- >In the drop-down on click of the Plus icon & on the creation of a new record & submit throw an Error as Description cannot be left empty. Drop down on selecting & scrolling, Dropdown box is getting scrolled along with that
- User Actor Mapping- In the username field it is allowed to select the typed characters instead of actual records2. It is displaying with Proficiency in the User name on search
- State field- wherever state field is available it is displaying as multi-select in dropdown
- Based on the enable/disable of Boolean Dc, axp_dcstate operates on form load not on data load
For Example- In the Leave Configuration form, there is a field set as substr(axp_dcstate, 10, 1) which is not operated based on the enable/ disable of Boolean dc on data load, whereas on form load its works fine. - Issue while form load tstruct with grid attachment. attachment upload but shows like no attachment uploaded, then click on the button then shows the information.
- Time entry in the field is getting scrolled along with the form. For example, I am trying to enter Time in the moe-time field and the time selection bar is getting scrolled if I scroll the page.
- Column Adjustment, on manually adjusting the width it is aligning improperly
- Drill-down Iview hidden params values are changing themselves when refreshing the Iview
- Column Name params are not passing in Iview
- In client idm (, when the user logs in without signing out of the previous session then it shows simply the white page after login. When we refresh manually, then it directs us to the main page.
Note: Reset Design Button is introduced for Listiview Design.
- Oracle DB compatibility issues for AxpertWeb
- We have a wage breakdown structure where all the pay components are shown in the grid. As per the customer requirement, we need to show some of the line items in bold letters, such as CTC, gross salary, and so on.
- Even though the username is expired or invalid, the login page still redirects it to the next input window for the password. Also when we try to sign in with the user login which is already expired (active=F), it should provide a proper error message.
- Process definition, Actor listing and Fast Print pages added in configuration studio.
- A feature added in the configuration page to set the Redis connections at the application level.
- Need to remove the Configuration icon from employee logins/RM if it is not applicable in Display Title on Home Page
- Shift Master- Boolean buttons in the grid will display as Boolean on select of the row else Yes/No Displaying
- Need to Enable or Disable the check box in one click as used in Shift Master, require two clicks to enable the checkbox button
- In Leave Request, on click of upload pop up opening on two clicks instead of a single click
- Shift / Shift Interface/Auto Schedule Pattern Week details tab once click the 3rd Options Fillweekid after confirm and click the weekday one /weekday two weekid align are shrunk.
- Check that when the user selects the city in the personal information form without removing the existing value from the city dropdown. Then the dependency city field in organizational information DC is not updating in the backend as per the user-selected value in personal information DC.
- Shift Mapping – Search Icon & Colum caption should be freeze only records should scroll
- On data load the loaded Instance data should show as Amendment
- DC3 is not visible, user need to click DC3 manually, then it will show the grid
- Wrong validation message – Even though the user has data in the grid, a wrong validation message will occur.
- Grid Columns are not aligning properly if more columns are there
- Selected DC is disabled when the user unhides the hidden DC through FormControl Script.
- User can add the rows in grid dc after the record is approved in the workflow.
- After the user uploaded the file in the header attachment the user cannot able to remove the attachment record.
- Dc3 scroll bar is visible in the footer position. and dc3 grid columns are going beyond the form frame.
- Test Case Description, Unable to create a new user in the users login form
- User is able to select the same option multiple times using Advance Search Button
- Agile ERP- Purchase Requisition: Workflow approved record able to add rows in GridDC.
- The numeric field value in any transaction in Indian number format (i.e., crores and lakhs) instead of showing in millions. For example, if a number is entered as 123456789, instead of showing it as 123,456,789, we want to show it as 12,34,56,789.
- For the first time when a user tries to select the time in the mail trigger time field, it does not reflect. if the user tries the same for the second time then only the selected time is reflected.
- API Showing Invalid Request Error-API is showing an invalid request error while executing.
- Basic Authentication not working in API (11.2 Version). We have an API that requires basic authentication to be passed, which is not working and showing an invalid request error
- Option to provide the convert file function from source file extension to target extension. Option to provide the convert file function from source file extension to target extension in the given attachment path. 1. From xlsx/xls/txt file To CSV file 2.From CSV To xlsx/xls/txt file.
- API is not working if we pass the non-mandatory header string as empty. Work line API is not working and shows the response as failed if we pass the non-mandatory header string as empty.
- Dynamic Filter – Advance Search is not working in Iviews.
- After successful login, it is setting a focus directly on global search and the main page opens with the search box window to type in. The user needs to focus somewhere on the main page to hide this search window to further see the dashboard.
- As soon as the user logs in it shows a message box like’ Please try again with new search query’
- Global search are not cleared/navigate home page automatically
- When any struct is opened on a popup window, the vertical scroll is not visible and unable to scroll vertically.
- Option needed to hide the home page title “cards”.
- Horizontal scrolls coming in for most of the iviews and tried tweaking the column widths but was unable to figure out how it is resizing
- After changing the background image in Axpert Configuration, it is not updating it’s taking the default image only.
- The caption of the column in the cards is shown in lowercase. It has to be as per the definition (Init cap)Ex: The definition is “Leave Type” but displaying as “leave type”.
- Unable to hide column headers like how we do in KPI cards. (using axphideh_ prefix).2. The column headers are by default coming in a small case. Need to show either as caps or in a proper case to display neatly.
- Shift Mapping- Column Caption it is taking as backend caption 2. Shift Mapping- It is allowing to select the duplicate entry in Multi Select & it should highlight the selected records 3. Shift Mapping- on click of a back button it will reload the same search 4. Shift Mapping- on click of the back button & on reloading the same search page but on click of records it is not responding
- In the mobile hybrid app, for card UI grid option buttons and text are overlapping.
- KPI Card having extra height with a gap if any KPI card is not having data
- Iview header and data UI is Misaligned
- Shift Mapping- After selection of more than 10 employees it is not loading 11 & above selected employees in shift details are showing blank
- Back Button functionality-related issue fixes with popup tstruct / views
- In the mobile hybrid app, for card UI’s grid option buttons and text are overlapping.
- In the mobile hybrid app, in form grid -1) Attachment option is not accessible/clickable.2) On load data, an extra dummy row is added to the grid.3) Addrow button is visible even when the dc-add row option is disabled from form properties.4) Grid dropdown fields/controls are shown twice in every row.
- Tstruct header Scroll Issue – Check that when a user scrolls through Tstruct. Then the Tstruct header and the Tstruct default button disappeared.
- Column Adjustment, on manually adjusting the width it is aligning improperly
- Employee Info Details- Work Location & Grade are throwing errors as cannot be left empty even after entered2. Sometimes on the selection of country, the state is fetching with all the state details irrespective of country
- Shift Master- In the grid, if the last field is a read-only field then on click of tab it won’t load the new row
Note: To provide this customer requirement we have introduced parser function named ‘SetFieldFontProperty’ as explained below.
Script: SetFieldFontProperty(fieldname,rownow,fontname,fontsize,fotnstyle,fontcolor,bgcolor)
Example: if fld_b={admin}
Note: Axpert Configuration Icon withdrawn from sign-in page. To open the Axpert Configuration page, a direct URL can be used. For example, the application URL will be used with config.aspx instated of signin. aspx.
application sign-in URL:
application configuration URL:
Note: To achieve the backward compatibility of dropdown auto-select during Dataload, a new application constant named as ‘AutoselectCompatibility’ needs to be added with the value T/True.
The cards Settings option is moved to Utilities
Custom Templates need to be updated
Note: For showing columns with given case String aliasing should be used
Example: select the column name as “Column CAPS” from the column table
For List Cards column name aliasing following conventions are implemented
axphide_***: will hide column completely
axphidec_***: will hide column data only
axphideh_*** will hide the table column header only
Custom Templates need to be updated
- Axpert Web UI change similar to Buzzily
- Refresh cache issue on iview in “Open Invoice Others”
- After clearing the parameters, dropdowns are displayed twice in Patient Search and IP Enquiry.
- Save & Print getting Access violation DLL error in Service Billing Others.
- To Pay Amount Field is made read-only and still, it is editable – ex. (Service Billing Others)
- Field hide/show is not working as expected. (Service Billing Others) (Definition issue)
- Mandatory Field value is not empty, but the error showing as cannot be left empty. (Registration)
- Close window in action is not working when cancelling the Transaction on Data Load- Approve Case Sheet.
- All the dropdowns are displayed twice in New OP Registration.
- 2nd row in the grid is always saying invalid selection in Sales Invoice.
- On data load the loaded Instance data should show as Amendment
- Advance search is not working while the user mentions underscoring (_) in the dc table name (Item Part Master (28)).
- Go to advance search and pick a value and the dependency value is not filling
- Based on the dropdown the dependency field is not filling
- When logesh was returned then login with Priyadarshan and loaded the same record, it is not showing any message login with admin and loaded the same record and observed that message is showing wrong(As per definition working fine)
- Based on employee code the dependency field (checkbox) is not reflecting
- Login with new language and logout – again open the login page and check that it is showing the default language
- In Dropdown – when the user enters invalid data in the dropdown search box then actual data is not listed in dropdown
- In grid dc Refill Stock should be the disabled mode (read-only) but it is allowing editing.
- When the user scrolls the picklist dropdown it is listing duplicate values
- While Creating Picklist – Value is Given As ALL and saved that Iview and Goto Run Site, Open that Iview, check that Default value is not showing in Parameter
- After loading the record from listview prev transaction and next transaction both buttons are not working.
- When a user clicks on a clear button in the parameter it should clear param values but it is closing the parameter window and showing a blank page
- User clicks on Hyperlink of any card – on first opening – back button is available /on the second opening same card – back button is not showing
- Open Personal Information Form and Fill required details, In State Field – select one state (Example – Tamil Nadu) and Click on the dropdown of state field – it is only showing Tamil Nadu – but it should show all State details
- Open Attendance File Reading Configuration Form – Fill required fields and Click on save – it is throwing the error “Invalid selection “mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi: ss” in Field Option* Row 2″
- Shift / Shift Interface/Auto Schedule Pattern. Week details tab once click the 3rd Options Fillweekid after confirm and click the weekday one /weekday two weekid align are shrunk.
- In Leave Request, on click of upload pop up opening on two clicks instead of a single click
- Shift Mapping- Column Caption it is taking as backend caption
- Customization in Table field hook function AxAfterTableLoad: Pass ‘tblMetadataJson’ (JSON from GetDBProcTableJson) as a parameter to the AxAfterTableLoad hook function.
- While Selection for drop-down value in the tab issue was found.2. Date Value field result showing as wrong value – we already checked the back end. Issue desc- for point@1 Leave Process if selecting the Process name and using the tab button leave plan details list is not showing. Issue desc- for point@2 Effective From field is a Date value field but the value has shown as wrong (Process name field values are showing in the date field)
- On adding a new row in the cursor it should take the pointer to the selected row or add the row on the first Field
- Create a table field without Caption then in run mode, it is showing as Caption
- When a user clicks on responsibility, Getting an error message in the upgraded Oracle schema. (Oracle Runtime Structure)
- Cards is not reflecting on the run site.
- Following are the issues observed with forgot password page.
- It is addressing the user id in the mail and instead displaying a nickname.
- Search Field is missing when a user loads the created Responsibility or for new Responsibility Page
- The user must deselect the ADMIN in the Role Type Field and then choose the ADMIN in the Role Type in order to save the role.
- In 11.2 RUNTIME ToolTip Message is not showing for the Options Button of a Tstruct.
- The mouseover text is missing for the button next to the Remove button,
- The mouseover text for the Previous Transaction and Next Transaction buttons starts with Lower Case
- check that when a user creates a Password text field, Then on the run site eye icon for the password field is not displayed
- The mouseover text for the remove button starts with lowercase
Note: ‘Fill Dependent Fields’ developer option needs to be enabled in ritem field.
Password reset is now 6 digit number.
Presently it is not validating the user id and sending mail even when the user is inactive.
- When a user downloads any Iview/Listview report using Utility at RUNTIME, other languages are not showing properly in PDf format except English
- Enhancement for saving transactions to the RMQ.
- Open Shift Master and Load a record and In Shift Break Up Grid – Click on the Total (in Hrs) field and Observe that Break & Paid Check Box is Changing
- To set cards as homepage/ dashboard in flutter application through ‘OpenNewSession’ functionality.
- Forgot Password Username and email should be filled by automatically (Because User already provided the details on the first page)
- Mandatory Field value is not empty, but the error showing as cannot be left empty.
- Multi Line Text box value Filling from SQL Query is filling as Single Line.
- Field Hide/Show not working as expected in the Registration Screen.
- New UI Optimizations above last release.
- On click of Admin Console hyperlink, instead of opening the Page it’s got disappearing
Note: For PDF Export Unicode support, the following Developer Option needs to be added
Property: “Unicode support for PDF export”
property Code: “Unicode support for PDF export”
Property Value: true/false(default)
Form/Report: All Reports / Single Report / All Forms / Single Form
User Role: All / Single role
Note: If the transactions are required to save to an RMQ as per the business requirement, the following steps need to be followed.
Add a Custom button in the required tstruct(probably with a caption ‘Save to Queue’)
Required to Enable the below developer option to load custom/transid based js file.
Developer option: Custom JavaScript
This (‘Save to Queue’) button on click will be the button name followed by ‘on click’ as the function name.
Note: if the button name is ‘btn17’ then onclick function named as ‘btn17onclick()’
Ex.: js file mentioned above Setp#2 should be having the below js code.
function btn17onclick() {
Make a copy of “axpertFlutterDashbaord.html” and its external scripts and styles available from “Axpert Developer’s => AxpTemplates” to “Axpert Web’s => {{projectFolder}} => HTMLPages”.
To load the dashboard, pass the parameter/query string as “pname=ddashboard” in the URL.
(“d” is page type and “dashboard” is page name)
- We have a wage breakdown structure where all the pay components are shown in the grid.As per the customer requirement, we need to show some of the line items in bold letters, such as CTC, gross salary, and so on.
- Open Purchase Order Reproduce(13-03) – Select Against request as ‘No’ – Then go to dc3 grid and select one record based on item code, All Dependency fields are filled except Item Description (new).
- Test Case Description: Open File Attachment – DB(06) – Load the record from listview – click on the details field, after that click on the attachment toggle, it is not showing the remove option.
- Open Item Master new (09) – open Shelf Life Code dropdown and click advance search, then it is (No data found.)
- Open To do List – Load any record and Click on the Next or Previous button – if it is the same Tstruct, it is working but if it is a different Tstruct it is showing an error. User Required Next/ Previous buttons should work for different tstructs also
- When a user downloads pivot reports using Utility at RUNTIME, the PDf and Excel formats are not properly aligned.
- picklist dropdown it is listing only a few values
- Open Sample90 – In Age field – enter data less than 18 and check that in the Client Validate message it is not showing the Field name, but on Submit – Server error message it is Showing Field name
- Shift Mapping- when we remove the employee from the employee list & reselect that from advanced search then it is not allowed to select as it is showing already selected
- Shift / Shift Interface/Auto Schedule Pattern Week details tab once click the 3rd Options Fillweekid after confirm and click the weekday one /weekday two weekend align are shrunk.
- Tstruct name should be Freeze but the user Scroll Down, tstruct name also scrolling along with Fields
- Create/assign cards to a role and login to run the site of that role Check cards are showing and logout – login in with admin and open the Responsibility page and load that particular responsibility and make changes and save then logout – again login with that particular user and observe that cards are not showing
- For Product Check when user tries to search partial values and checking select all checkboxes it is selecting all the values from the list instead of the filtered search value in the list.
- Check that there is no break alignment between the menu parent folder and menu subfolder files.
- In Grid DC users are not able to see some data because of the space in that grid.
- In the amount field Total Value is not calculated in the Item Transfer Screen.
- Getting Not a valid floating point value during data entry.
- Config Studio – Runtime form Save and Delete Caching Issue
- Application’s QR Enhancement: ARM_PrivateKey is now added/ available in Axpert Web’s QR Code.
- Cards dashboard in flutter application: The cards coming in the “axpertFlutterDashbaord.html” page are not in the same order as we see in the “MainPage” dashboard.
- Whenever the user changes the customized files(Developer Option Custom CSS and Custom JS) it is reflected in the runtime Iview after clearing the browser cache
- Display of User name & email on the right section is going out of the frame.
Note: To provide this customer requirement we have introduced parser function named as ‘SetFieldFontProperty’ as explained below.
Script: SetFieldFontProperty(fieldname,rownow,fontname,fontsize,fotnstyle,fontcolor,bgcolor)
Example: activerow can be used for field exit/field enter/on click formcontrol events.
if fld_b={admin}
Note1: Below developer, the option can be added for the upgraded project for dropdown fields which are having expression.
NOte2: This developer option can be set to All Forms/ single form/ single form and single field.
Developer Option:
Property: Fill Dependent Fields
Property Value: true/false
Form/Report: All Forms/ Single form
Elements: Field name (This is required only for the particular forms and particular field levels)
Note: Issue is not from expression. The user is not able to add a new row in grid dc after selecting a value in the header dc dropdown.
- Fixed an issue where the Structure parameter was still showing the previous value even after clearing all parameter values in the Default Report Parameter. After that, when user click on search it showed (please select all required fields).
- Implemented auto-hiding of the side bar/menu after selecting a Tstruct/Iview for better user experience.
- Aligned the Submit button properly for a more consistent layout.
- Introduced Auto column width feature for reports based on data.
- To enable this feature, the following developer option need to be added with value as true.
- Please note, Enabling this auto-width option will reduce iview performance especially for menu expand/collapse operation and high volume data.
- Property: “Auto column width for report based on data”
- Property Code: “Auto column width for report based on data”
- Property Value: true/false(default)
- Form/Report:
- Corrected the alignment in “Remove all items” button as Arabic language starts from right to left whereas other languages starts from left to right and because of this the “Remove all items” button came to the left but it should be on right.
- Fixed an issue where selecting non-English values in REL31 Iview caused the selected record to display as “???” after previewing a PDF.
- Resolved the problem where Font Properties were not retained when executing an action using On dblclick of a column.
- Added the Freeze Column option in report column header menu for better report viewing.
- Fixed the issue where customizations for RUNTIME were disappearing if the session expired automatically.
- Enhanced the transaction save process by introducing Cached Saving to the RabbitMQ (Queue). Additional setup at the app server/IIS level is required for this feature. This additional micro-service (RapidSave Microservice) will save the data asynchronously.
- The confirm popup UI is now similar to the signout confirmation message. The confirmation popup message appears properly now with extra “C” removed from CCancel in the pop up text.(CCancel not completed due to Cancel is not allowed.)
- Resolved an error in Purchase Order (23-03) where clicking dc3 caused an issue with the message “Row 1 is empty. Please enter data.”
- Fixed the alignment problem of the “Item Category” and “Remarks” fields in Purchase Order (23-03) when clicking dc3.
- Fixed the issue where creating an (Save) action in Desktop the External type resulted in the popup displaying “Confirm! Save Action not completed due to an unexpected error.”
- Fixed the date field issue in Setvalue_Clone where the grid data was not updating based on the script when loading a record from a listview.
- Corrected the display issue where a table field without a caption was showing as “Caption” in run mode.
- Corrected the error message when a user with expired roles tries to log in to show a proper valid message (Login failed ?Userroles expired or not assigned) instead of “Please Try Later.”
- Fixed the issue where opening Control Code dropdown in Item Master Control Code and clicking advance search showed “No data found.”
- Resolved the problem where dependency fields were not filling until the user selected the “Execute in Client Side” Checkbox in Desktop.
- Fixed the runtime display issue where two forms with the same Form Caption were showing one with a random suffix number.
Configuration :
□ For Iview: All Reports / Single Report
□ For Listview: All Forms / Single Form
User Role: All / Single role
- New function introduced in the parser called ‘stringpos’ to find a substring in a given string.
- Fixed the issue in Toggle Issue (28-03) – Select any Item Code (Dropdown) value – Enable Tax Applicable ? (Checkbox) – Then go to dc3 tab – Select any TCD (Dropdown) value – Now go to dc2 tab Observe that Tax Applicable ? (Checkbox) is now enabled.
- Resolved the problem in MEMO field (Description). Create one MEMO field (Field Name : Description) (Mode Of Entry – calculate, Expression (trim(upper(description)), Open Runtime and Check that MEMO field (Field Name : Description) data is not showing properly.
- Addressed two issues: First, the calendar no longer expands when a date field is the first field in a loaded record from a Listview or Iview. Second, the dropdown no longer expands when clicking Next and Previous Transaction buttons with the first field as a select field.
- Fixed the issue where after opening a Tstruct and duplicating a tab and clicking New in the current screen caused the screen to keep loading.
- Resolved the issue where user saved the workflow without comments and it was allowing to save but result was not reflecting on tstruct. So we made comments mandatory in the workflow, and now saving the workflow without comments is not allowed.
- Resolved the issue where loading a record after a user login caused the message to display incorrectly.
- Fixed the error in the Workflow where loading a transaction resulted in an error when there were no valid approval users.
- Fixed the display issue in Gen Map. Open Gen Map Test1 (27-03) – Submit one record – Then open Gen Map Test4 (27-03) – Go to listview Observe that submitted record and one blank record is appearing, but it should show submitted record only.
- Resolved the problem in MEMO field (Description). Create one MEMO field (Field Name : Description) (Mode Of Entry – calculate, Expression (trim(upper(description)), Open Runtime and Check that MEMO field (Field Name : Description) data is now showing properly.
- Resolved the issue where a user saved the workflow without comments and it was allowing to save but result was not reflecting on tstruct. Now saving the workflow without comments is not allowed.
- Added a close button where user Click on options – Select Excel Import – File Upload window will open and user was unable to close the excel import pop up as there was no close button.
- Fixed the issue in Default Report Parameter where clearing parameter values didn’t show the default value for Parameter Dummy.
- Fixed the issue in Default Report Parameter (Iview). Open Default Report Parameter Issue (Iview) – Click on clear – Group Name(Dropdown) default value(All) is not showing – Select any Group Name(Dropdown) value – Then Click on search Observe that (please select all required fields..) message showing.
- Fixed the issue in Default Report Parameter (Iview) where clearing param values didn’t show the default values for both Group Name and Parameter Dummy (Dropdown).
- Corrected the display of Arabic characters Right to Left Alignments in Item Master Iview (23-03) -> Utility when downloading the PDF.
- Fixed the alignment issue in the PDF format headers and subheaders when downloading a pivot report using Utility at RUNTIME.
- Enabled copy-pasting data in the Employee List (multiselect field) for Leave Process.
- Implemented Selected Employee Count display for Shift Interface/Bulk Shift in the Employee List (Shift – Shift Interface/Bulk Shift). (ex:- select a one employee count should be 1 .. Add another 2 employee count should be 3)
- Fixed the issue where the record was not visible after clicking the Advance search button in the API drop-down.
- Fixed the Issue Where Expression value is listing in File Format checklist Field in Sub leave configuration Form.
- Fixed the problem where saved entries in Tstruct were not displayed on cards without using the refresh button.
- Addressed the issue where multiple file upload controls defined in the same Tstruct caused automatic file deletion.
- Implemented the ability to copy and paste data in the multiselect dropdown to resolve the issue reported in Support.
separator is option and if it is not pass separator will be consider as ‘,’
Note : If user open duplicate tab then and try to access previous tab then below error message will popup and user can reload the form from/report menu click/global search.Error message: Browser tab duplicated, please reload page from menu click/global search.
Example : Say there are two users with same access, Admin user 1 and Admin user 2. If admin user 1 updates any record and logs out, then admin user 2 should be able to see the same record after login.