
Agile Developer






The Release Contains below-mentioned Bug Fixes

  • Require SSO SAML login option for workflow approval page.
  • Unable to trigger email on web . SMTP TLS Upgrade issue(DLL fix).
  • SAML SSO Authentication enhanced
    Steps to Enable SAML SSO:
    Need to add/Enable below web.config keys.
    <add key=”SamlPartnerIdP” value=””/>
    <add key=”ssologin” value=””/>
    <add key=”ssoredirecturl” value=””/>
    <add key=”SamlIdentifier” value=””/>
    <add key=”SamlCertificate” value=””/>

    Add this assembly reference in assemblies section
    <add assembly=”System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A”/>
    Ex.: <add key=”SamlPartnerIdP” value=”″/>
    [After add application in Azure AD portal it will generate ‘Login URL’ that need to be copied ]
    <add key=”ssologin” value=”saml”/>
    <add key=”ssoredirecturl” value=””/>
    <add key=”SamlIdentifier” value=””/>
    [After add application in Azure AD portal it will have ‘Identifier (Entity ID)’ that need to be add]
    <add key=”SamlCertificate” value=””/>
    [Download SAML Azure AD application certificate and copy to web code Saml_Certificates folder. Create a text file with the same name as the certificate file and copy content from the certificate file to the text file followed by @ and then add the text file name in SamlCertficate web. config key value]
    Note: below open source, dll added for Cryptography.Xml

  • On Change of params in Ivew, the report is unable to not fetch records as it shows loading.