
Agile Developer

Developer Options

Axpert 11

TStructs (Forms)



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Developer Options

In this feature, you can control the display of forms/reports available in the application using Developer option. Developer Option provides you the access of managing the UI and functionality of forms and reports.Using this feature, you can control the functionality based on user roles, Forms/Reports and apply on all Forms/Reports.

To access the developer option window, navigate to the Settings icon on the right corner of the client area and click Developer option.

Agile developer lowcode Developer Option


  1. Align Text
  2. ApplicationCompressedMode
  3. ApplicationTemplate
  4. Auto Save Draft
  5. Autocomplete Search Pattern
  6. Change Password
  7. Date Format
  8. Disablesplit
  9. Excel Export
  10. ExportVerticalAlign
  11. FetchSize
  12. Upload File Type
  13. File upload limit
  14. FormLoad Cache
  15. Hide Camera Option
  16. Landing Structure
  17. Load forms along with list
  18. Load reports/lists along with form
  19. Main Page Reload
  20. Multi Select Field
  21. Open Window mode
  22. Resolve Attachment Path
  23. Save Image in DB
  24. Trim IView Data
  25. Tstruct Grid edit option
  26. Fixed header for Grid
  27. Tstruct Button Style
  28. WebService Timeout
  29. Grid Scrollbar
  30. Show keyboard in Hybrid App
  31. Enforced Strong Password Policy
  32. Mobile Reports as Table
  33. Column Separator for Reports
  34. Custom JavaScript
  35. Custom CSS
  36. Google Map API Key
  37. Show Application Menu on Login
  38. Iview Button Style
  39. Iview Session Caching
  40. Load Old Model Views
  41. Notification time interval
  42. User Manual
  43. Open Fast Report In New Window
  44. Popup fill grid data show all
  45. Popup fillgrid data based on query order
  46. Option to configure default listview on click of a form
  47. Google Map has to be zoomed in when located
  48. Apply Mobile UI
  49. Fill Dependent Fields
  50. Global Parameter Form
  51. Iview Responsive Column Width
  52. Iview Retain Parameters On Next Load
  53. Local Dataset
  54. Not Fill Dependent Fields
  55. Show Application Menu On Login
  56. Show Image Widget Action Button
  57. Split Ratio

Align Text

This property will allow you to align the text of the field of any forms left/right.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Align Text in Property Field.
  3. Select Left or Right in Property Value Field.
  4. Select Form name in Form/Report field.
  5. Select Field name in Elements field.
  6. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.


This property will allow you to fit the page on screen, it will disable the card layout of the application.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select ApplicationCompressedMode in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value Field.
  4. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.


Using this property you can change the application layout template. For more details refer Main Page Customization.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select ApplicationTemplate in Property Field.
  3. Select HTML file in Property Value Field, by default file name is mainpagetemplate.html.
  4. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Auto Save Draft

if tstruct fields are changing after a particular time ,it will save the data in redis at regular intervals which can be set from developer options.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Auto Save Draft in Property Field.
  3. set Property Value to TRUE and time in millisecond(for ex for 60 secs give 60000).
  4. default time will be 120 seconds/2 minutes.
  5. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  6. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.
Autocomplete Search Pattern

This property will allow you to search the values from picklist based on the given configuration. You can search the values using StartWith and Contains.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Autocomplete Search Pattern in Property Field.
  3. Select StartWith or Contains in Property Value field.
  4. In Forms/Report, select the target form.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Change Password

Select this property to decide whether the change password option must be available or not in the application. NOTE: This property is mainly used for Agilecloud.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Change Password in Property Field.
  3. Select Enable in Property Value field.
  4. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Date Format

Using this property you can change the date format to EN-US format, this is applicable for any forms as well as reports parameters.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Date Format in Property Field.
  3. Select en-us in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form/report.
  5. Select the field name in Element Field.
  6. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.


Select this option if you wish to disable split for specific forms and reports or for the entire forms and reports in the application.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Disablesplit in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form/report.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Excel Export

This option will allow you to enable Excel button in reports to download the report data into excel format.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Excel Export in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the report name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.


This property in developer option allows you to set excel row data vertical aligned. This property is applicable only for reports, it provides you option to align the excel row data in Middle(default)Top and Bottom.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select ExportVerticalAlign in Property Field.
  3. Select Middle or Top or Bottom in Property Value field.
  4. Select the report name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.


Select this option to decide the no. of records that has to appear in a report. Navigate to the property value and select the no. of records to appear.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select FetchSize in Property Field.
  3. Select number of rows in Property Value field.
  4. Select the report name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

File upload limit

Select this option to limit the file uploads in forms. This will be applicable for a form or multiple forms.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select File upload limit in Property Field.
  3. Select number of files in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Upload File Type

This requirement can be achieved by adding a developer option as below. Provided structures need to be applied along with this.
Developer Option:

    1. Configuration: “Upload file types”
    2. Key: “Upload file types”
    3. Property Code: Upload file types”
    4. Value: true/false
    5. Property info: Checklist with file extensions
    6. Form/Report: All Forms/Single form

Description: Use this key to allow particular file extensions as per forms.

FormLoad Cache

Select this property to cache the form load data based on global parameters. For more information on the form load cache, refer to the property value section. Based on the selected time, cache data gets updated.

For e.g., if you select the time as 30min, for every 30 min, the cache gets updated by fetching the latest data from the database.

If you select the property value as None, caching will never happen.

If you do not select any time limit, caching gets updated after 24 hours. It means whenever user logs into the application for the 1st time on that particular date, data gets fetched from the database and gets stored in the cache and remains same until next day 12AM.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select FormLoad Cache in Property Field.
  3. Select the time in mins in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Fixed Header for grid

Select this option if you wish to fix the header of the grid dc for specific forms and reports or for the entire forms and reports in the application.
To enable this feature
1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
2. Select fixed header for option in Property Field.
3. Select TRUE in the Property Value field.
4. Select the form/report.
5. Click on the Save button, log out, and log in to the application.
All the changes will reflect in that form.

Hide Camera Option

While uploading files it will show you camera option as well(it will support only with https), if this option is not require then you can hide this option using this property.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Hide Camera Option in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Iview retain parameters on next load

Select this option if you wish to retain the previous parameter selected on the next load for specific reports or for the entire reports in the
To enable this feature
1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
2. Select Iview Retain Parameters on Next Load in Property Field.
3. Select TRUE in the Property Value field.
4. Select the form/report.
5. Click on the Save button, log out and log in to the application.
All the changes will reflect in that form.

Iview responsive column width

Select this option if you wish to extend the column width in iviews up to the viewport for specific reports or for the entire reports in the application.
To enable this feature
1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
2. Select Iview Responsive column width in Property Field.
3. Select TRUE in the Property Value field.
4. Select the form/report.
5. Click on the Save button, log out, and log in to the application.
All the changes will reflect in that form.

Landing Structure

Select this property to decide the landing page once you login any Axpert application. For e.g., as soon as you login to an application, you can decide what content has to appear in the landing page. The content can be either a particular form/report. After selecting the form/report, if you logout and login to the application, the selected form/report appears as a landing page. NOTE: This property is mainly used for Agilecloud.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Landing Structure in Property Field.
  3. Select Formiview or general in Property Value field.
  4. If General is selected in property then enter the HTML path in the next field OR Select the form/report name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Load forms along with list

Select this option to split the form automatically. You can open a form along with list by using any action or without actions.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Load forms along with list in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Select the action name in Element Field.
  6. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Load reports/lists along with form

Select this option to split a report automatically. If iview is having hyperlink, you can open a report along with the form. And you can open a report along with form by using any action or without actions.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Load reports/lists along with form in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the report name.
  5. Select the action name in Element Field.
  6. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Main Page Reload

–This option is dependent on the landing structure property. This property is mainly used to end the actions performed on a form. For e.g., consider Global Parameters form as your landing structure. In that form, after performing each transaction, save the form, such as after entering the branch details, save the form. Again enter the location details and save the form. NOTE: This option is applicable for AgileCloud.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Main Page Reload in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Multi Select Field

This property will give a better user interface for selecting values from dropdown. refer [Add_components_to_a_Form#Define_Multi-Select|Multi Select] for details.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Multi Select Field in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Give the delimiter(like comma, semi-colon, etc).
  5. Select the form name.
  6. select the field name in Element Field.
  7. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Open Window mode

Select this option to open hyperlinks in reports as a new page/popup and so on. If you select this option, system first checks if any forms are associated with the report to open else opens the hyperlink content of the first record on the right frame.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Open Window mode in Property Field.
  3. Select default, newpage,pop-up or split in Property Value field.
  4. Select the report name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Resolve Attachment Path

This property is used for reports template in case of resolving image path to show visible image in iview templates.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Resolve Attachment Path in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the report name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Save Image in DB

If application is storing all the files and images in different file server and you want to store the image in DB for particular form, then this property need to be enabled for that form.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Save Image in DB in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the Form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Trim IView Data

If iview data is having space then this property will help you to trim iview extra spaces.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Trim IView Data in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the report name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Tstruct Grid edit option

Select this option to select the type of grid that has to appear while editing the grid.

The following values are available if you select the property as TStruct Grid edit option.

  • Inline – Select this option to open the grid in inline mode.
  • Popup – Select this option to open the grid in pop up mode.
  • Forms – Select this option to open the grid in Form mode.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Tstruct Grid edit option in Property Field.
  3. Select grid type in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Fixed header for grid

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Fixed header for grid in Property Field.
  3. Select True or False in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

Tstruct Button Style

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Tstruct Button Style in Property Field.
  3. Select Old ,Modern, Classic in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

WebService Timeout

Set Webservice Timeout property, if you have to deal with large data which takes more time, By default value will be 100000(in milisecond),you can add more time of required.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select WebService Timeout in Property Field.
  3. Select Time in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Grid Scrollbar

In a form, when number of grid columns are more then horizontal scrollbar will show within the page for better accessibility.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Grid Scrollbar in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE/FALSE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Show keyboard in Hybrid App

This property will help you to hide/unhide the keyboard option for auto-complete field in hybrid mobile app.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Show keyboard in Hybrid App in Property Field.
  3. Select true/false in Property Value field.
  4. Select the form name/All Form.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Enforced Strong Password Policy

This property will allow you to enforce user to set strong password. Password should be alphanumeric, contains one Uppercase Character, one Lowercase Character with at least one special character.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Enforced Strong Password Policy in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Mobile Reports as Table

Using this property you can enable tabular view for Reports in hybrid mobile application.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Mobile Reports as Table in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Column Separator for Reports

Using this property you can provide column separator in reports[column separator line will show within the report].

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Column Separator for Reports in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE/FALSE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the Report name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Custom JavaScript

Use this property to attach custom javascript to Forms and Reports. Set this property value to “True” for a selected form or report. If this property is set to true, the custom javascript file should be saved into the web root\<ProjectName>\tstructs\js folder(for forms) and root\<ProjectName>\tstructs\js folder(for reports). The file name should <tstructname>.js or <reportname>.js. In case this property is set to true for all forms or reports instead of a selected form or reports, the file name should be custom.js

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Custom JavaScript in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE/FALSE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the Form name/All Forms or Report name/All Reports.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Custom CSS

Use this property to attach custom CSS to forms and reports. Set this property value to “True” for a selected forms or reports. If this property is set to true, the custom CSS file should be saved into the web root\<ProjectName>\tstructs\js folder(for forms) and root\<ProjectName>\report\js folder(for reports). The file name should <reportName>.CSS. In case this property is set to true for all forms or reports instead of a selected form or report, the file name should be custom.CSS.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Custom CSS in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE/FALSE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the Form name/All Forms or Report name/All Reports.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Google Map API Key

To display the location on a map, introduce a field named ‘LatLongMap’. The field type should be text area. This will work only in non grid DC. The map will be displayed in this field with the lat and long pinned on the map. This needs to be integrated with google maps to work by providing the google map API key. Select the property name as ‘Google Map API Key’ for this form.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Google Map API Key in Property Field.
  3. Select googleAPIKey in Property Value field.
  4. Select the Form name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.

All the changes will reflect in that form.

Show Application Menu on Login

Using this property you can show/hide the menu of the application. If it is set as FALSE then after login menu will be hidden automatically.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Show Application Menu on Login in Property Field.
  3. Select False in Property Value field(default value is true).
  4. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.
  5. change will reflect after login.

Iview Button Style

SmartViews provide two types of button UI i.e. Modern and Classic Buttons, Using this property you can switch UI of buttons.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Iview Button Style in Property Field.
  3. Select Modern/Classic in Property Value field.
Agile developer lowcode Developer Option
  1. Select the ReportName/All Report.
  2. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.
  3. change will reflect after login.

Old style UI button

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Classic style UI button

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Modern style UI button

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Iview Session Caching

Smart Iview Intelligent Data Caching can be enabled by using this developer option.

  1. Configuration: “Iview Session Caching”
  2. Property Code: “Iview Session Caching”
  3. Values: “true”(default)/”false”

Load Old Model Views

The administrator can altogether disable the Modern SmartViews feature and switch back to old smartviews UI by adding using “Load Old Model Views” property.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Load Old Model Views in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE/FALSE in Property Value field.
  4. Select the ReportName/All Report.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.
  6. change will reflect after login.

Notification time interval

Once this key is added, long running web services/backend scheduled jobs completion can be notified to the user with given time intervals, so that user would be able to do other operations during long running web services/backend jobs.

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select notification time interval in Property Field.
  3. Select time in mins(1,10,30,etc) in Property Value field.
  4. Select the Form or Report Name.
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.
  6. change will reflect after login.

User Manual

User can access the files through web application which are saved in local folder through User Manual option (located in right sidebar menu).

To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select User Manual in Property Field.
  3. Select TRUE in Property Value field.
  4. Give the path of the folder where files are avalable( If the path has not given in Property Info field, then it will access the files from default folder i.e “\\WebCode\CustomPages\userManual”)
  5. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.
  6. Change will reflect after login.

Open Fast Report In New Window

This was introduced to open password protected fast report/pdf files after an action call.
To enable this option

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Open Fast Report in New Window in Property Field.
  3. Select User Manual in Property Field.
  4. Click on Save button, logout and login to the application.
  5. Change will reflect after login.

This applicable for
Form/Report types : All Forms / All Reports / Single Form/ Single Report
User Role: All / Single role

Popup fill grid data show all

In multiselect pop-up fillgrid, all data can be displayed at once if this option is enabled.
To enable this option

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Popup fill grid data show all in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to TRUE, if you want to load all data.
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on the Save button, log out and log in to the application.

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Popup fill grid data based on query order

To display data in returning order, use the above developer option. To enable this feature

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select popup fill grid data should show query order in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to TRUE, if you want ordered query list.
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.

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Option to configure default listview on click of a form

    1. Go to settings and click on developer options.
    2. Create a property and select the desired tstruct from the drop down

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    1. Click on submit.
      Go to the run site and search for the form name, select the form and find the list view of the data entries on the page.

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Google Map has to be zoomed in when located

      1. Configuration: “Google Maps Zoom”
      2. Key: “Google Maps Zoom”
      3. Property Code: “Google Maps Zoom”
      4. Value: 1 – 22

1: World
5: Landmass/continent
10: City
11: Default
15: Streets
20: Buildings

Description: Use this key to set the zoom level in google maps for particular / all tstruct
Google map has to be zoomed in when located. It should show nearby areas.
In Advanced settings create a google maps zoom key.

Configure it with appropriate values
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In the form define a field named latlongmap that will display the map on the run time. Set the field width to 4000.
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In the run time, the map is displayed as shown
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Apply Mobile UI

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Apply Mobile UIin Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to all,mobile or none from the drop down.
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit
  6. The changes will reflect after you log out and log in to the application

Fill Dependent Fields

The configuration property of fill-dependent fields is shown below
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To enable this feature on your schema

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Fill Dependent Fields in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to True or False
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit
  6. Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

Global Parameter Form

The configuration property of the global parameter form is shown below

Agile developer lowcode Developer Option
To enable this feature on your schema

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select global parameter forms in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to hide or show
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit
  6. Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

Iview Responsive Column Width

The configuration property of iview responsive column width is shown below.

Agile developer lowcode Developer Option
To enable this feature on your schema

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Iview responsive column width in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to true or false
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit
  6. Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

Iview Retain Parameters On Next Load

The configuration property of iview retains parameters on the next load is shown below.
Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

To enable this feature on your schema

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Iview retain parameters on next load in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to true or false
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit
  6. Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

Local Dataset

The configuration property of the local dataset is shown below.
Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

To enable this feature on your schema

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select local dataset in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to false
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit
  6. Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

Not Fill Dependent Fields

The configuration property of the Not Fill Dependent Fields is shown below.
Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

To enable this feature on your schema

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Not fill dependent fields in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to true
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit
  6. Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

Show Application Menu On Login

The configuration property of the show application menu on login is shown below.
Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

To enable this feature on your schema

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Show application menu on login in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to True
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit
  6. Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

Show Image Widget Action Button

The configuration property of the show image widget action button is shown below.
Agile developer lowcode Developer Option

To enable this feature on your schema

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Show Image Widget Action Button in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to True
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit

Split Ratio

The configuration property of the split ratio is shown below.
Agile developer lowcode Developer Option
To enable this feature on your schema

  1. Goto Setting –> Developer Options.
  2. Select Split ratio in Property Field.
  3. Set Property Value to 1:1 or other
  4. In Form/Report you can select the form for which you want to enable this option.
  5. Click on submit
  6. Agile developer lowcode Developer Option