
Agile Developer


Axpert 11

TStructs (Forms)



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Additional features introduced in List views and IViews with the same user experience are called Smartviews. Below are the features implemented.


Views are representations of smart view functionalities clubbed into a single view. Go to the run site and open a Tstruct for which you want to add views. Click on the List view option at the top right. Next, Click on the Data icon on the top right to add view.

Agile developer lowcode Views
The view functionalities include the following options as shown in the image.
Agile developer lowcode Option

To fetch details based on field names, sorting data using column names is enabled by views. For Example, create a view to filter all the details of
Male employees and display them as “demo”. To achieve this click on the filter option and select the desired field name from the list. Click on
save and give an appropriate Name for the view.

Agile Developer View

After applying the filter the list will be displayed as shown below
Agile developer lowcode Filters List



Charts are used to graphically represent and add value to your reports by giving clarity and condensing a large amount of data. Smartviews allows you to add multiple charts to display data.
To create a new chart for your form go to List view and click on the chart option under the data section on the top right as shown below.

Agile developer lowcode Charts

Next, select the type of chart you want to create and give a suitable name. Select the column and value you want to display using charts and click on Save.

Agile developer lowcode Charts

The chart will be displayed along with the list. To add multiple charts for the same form click on the chart option and follow the steps as above.

Agile developer lowcode Multiple Charts

List View Designer

To enhance user experience in list view a design option is provided. Using this the columns can be resized and moved as desired.

Agile developer lowcode View Design

One can drag and drop items to rearrange or resize column width and click on OK

Agile developer lowcode Rearrange

For example, Move the Employee Name field after Date of Birth.

Agile developer lowcode Employee DOB

Download files from Iviews

Download the file/attachments in IViews when provided the mapped path. To achieve this, below iview configuations needs to be applied.
Concerned Iviews should have the following columns by default.

    • transid: transid of the tstruct
    • If isdbattach column value is true then transid column value should be (“transid+fieldname”)
    • If isdbattach column value is true and is db attachment is header attachment then only “transid” should be passed
    • fieldname: field name in tstruct(to be kept empty for header attachment)
    • recordid: transaction record id
    • isdbattach: this is an optional column which determines wheater the attachment is db attachment or file attachment, if the attachment type is db attachment then this column value should be true

axp_attach (can be any one of following):

  • Text to be shown on download hyperlink (this column is a flag to enable/disable attachments component)
  • Grid attachment name (value of grid attachment)
  • Full mapped path if transid, fieldname, recordid is not provided
  • ResolvePathForTemplates : “resolve attachment path” property is used for iview templates in case of resolving image path to show image in iview templates. “Resolve attachment path” Advanced Setting configuration property with property code as “resolve attachment path” to be added as true or false.

If File Server and App Server are different systems, then File Server needs to be authenticated for downloading or uploading the files with the following Application Variables, provided both servers should be in the same domain.

  • axp_mapusername
  • Username for the domain
  • axp_mappwd
  • Password for the domain
  • axp_domain
  • Domain Name

DB Attachment
select 'gddwn' transid_real,gddwn1id recordid,'dc2_image' fieldname,dc2_image axp_attach,'gddwndc2_image'transid, 'true' isdbattach from gddwn2
Non DB Attachment
select null transid_real,gddwn1id recordid,null fieldname,replace(axpfilepath_img,'*','')||axpfile_img axp_attach,null transid, 'false' isdbattach from gddwn1
DB + Non DB Attachment
• select 'gddwn' transid_real,gddwn1id recordid,'dc2_image' fieldname,dc2_image axp_attach,'gddwndc2_image'transid, 'true' isdbattach from gddwn2
union all
select null transid_real,gddwn1id recordid,null fieldname,replace(axpfilepath_img,'*','')||axpfile_img axp_attach,null transid, 'false' isdbattach from gddwn1