Axpert Installation Guide – Axpert 10.1
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Post Installation Tasks
This chapter provides more information on configuring Axpert and installing Node.js:
Sections of this chapter:
1.2. Installing nodejs on Windows using Installer
1.2.1.Managing node server through
1.3.1. Opening Web Application (If Redis is
installed) (Optional)
1.4. Launching Axpert Web Application
1. Run Axpert.exe from AxpertWebScripts folder available in your local drive.
2. If you are an Axpert Developer and you have existing project, then click the Connect to an Axpert
Application button and skip Step 3.
3. If you are new to Axpert and do not have any project, then click the Create a New Axpert
Application button.
4. Enter all the database details related to your Application. You will be redirected to Axpert login page.
1.2. Installing nodejs on Windows using Installer
1. Once the installer installs node.js in your local drive, change your working directory
to AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node and run the bash script npmsetup.ps1. For
In the above syntax,
AXPERT_HOME is the location where your Axpert files are installed in your local drive.
2. Right click npmsetup.ps1 file from the AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder and select Run with
Powershell command.
3. To run the npmsetup.ps1 file, follow the steps mentioned below:
3.1. Type Y and press enter in
the powershell window. The user will be prompted to make changes. Press Y.
3.2. In the powershell window,
type R and press enter. Repeat this step until the command starts running.
Once you run the command successfully, all softwares get installed.
4. To set the environment and system variables, follow the steps mentioned below:
(i) Right click My Computer/This PC and
select Properties. The system window appears.
(ii) On the left navigation pane, click Advanced system settings.
The System Properties window appears.
(iii) Navigate to the Advanced tab and
click the Environment Variables… button. The Environment Variables window
(iv) In the Environment
Variable tab, under the System Variables section, click the New button and add
the TNS_ADMIN entry. If the node server runs on the system in which the oracleDB is installed,
then configure TNS_ADMIN environment variable pointing to the tnsnames.ora file location.
to AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder.
(v) Edit the ‘tnsnamenode’ key in
the AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node/config/dbconfig.js folder according to the desired entry from the
tnsnames.ora file. The node will try to query from the entry which is specified in the ‘tnsnamenode’ key.
By default, the key value will be ‘orcl’.
(vi) In AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node/config/dbconfig.js, you
can control the maximum number of rows returned by API using the ‘maxRows’ key.
5. In AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/web.config file of the project, change the value of the key ‘nodeAPI’.
By default, the node URL will
be If the node server is running remotely, you can replace with the
relevant node server IP address and if the homebuilderimagepath is hosted remotely, you can replace the
existing URL with http://nodeserverIP:3015/images/userfiles/.
Make sure that the port number 3015 is enabled so that it can be accessed outside the network.
6. Run npmInstall.bat file from AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder
For example
If you see any errors while running
npm command, you can change the name of oci.dll into _oci.dll inside the C:\Windows\System32 folder.
7. Run installForever.bat batch file from AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder.
For example, AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node/installForever.bat
8. Navigate to the AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb\node\config\dbConfig.js file and perform the following:
a)For Oracle database, tnsnamenode key must be the
tnsNode(Service Name) entry referring to the Oracle database. Eg: “orcl”
b)For MySQL / MariaDB database,
host key must have the database IP. Eg: “”
Save the changes and close the text editor.
9. Double click the nodeAppStart.bat file
from AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder to start the node server.
1.2.1.Managing node server through console
a) To check if the node is running properly, type http://HOST_ADDRESS:3015 in your browser and press Enter
so that you can verify whether the server is successfully installed or not.
In the above syntax, HOST_ADDRESS is the ip address where the node is installed in a machine.
Success message appears as follows: {“status”:”Server is running successfully”}
b) If you want to stop the node server, double click nodeAppStop.bat file
from AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder.
c) If the node server runs on any public windows server, there might be a possibility of particular ports getting
blocked. For example, if your node server runs in port 5667, then ensure that this port is accessible from other
systems as well.
d) All access error gets stored as dd-mm-yyyy-error.log file in
the AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node/applicationlog/dd-mm-yyyy-error.log folder.
e) All access result gets stored as dd-mm-yyyy-results.log file
in AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node/applicationlog/dd-mm-yyyy-results.log folder.
f) Set the desired port for node server by modifying the applicationport key in
the AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node/config/dbconfig.js folder.
1. Follow the Documents: Linux(Linux Redis Installation & Configuration.rtf) or Windows(Windows Redis
Installation & Configuration.rtf) for Redis Caching.
2. Open Run command, enter inetmgr and click OK.
3. On the left pane, click Sites > Default Web Site > AxpertWeb.
4. Right Click AxpertWeb and click Explore.
5. Change following keys in web.config file after every installation or update:
a) redisIP
b) redisPass
1.3.1. Opening Web Application (If Redis is installed) (Optional)
Usually, this step will be
automatically performed by OS.
1. Open Run command, enter inetmgr as a run command and
click Ok.
2. On the left pane, click Application Pools link.
3. Click AxpertWebScripts in Center Pane to open a Actions pop up window.
4. In the Actions pop up window, click Recycle in right
5. Click AxpertWeb in Center Pane.
6. From Actions, click Recycle in right pane.
1.4. Launching Axpert Web Application
1. Launch web browser.
2. Enter http://localhost/<site name> in the address bar to launch the Axpert Web Application.