
Agile Developer

Upgrade from Axpert 10.X

Upgrade task from Axpert 10.X

This chapter provides information on the tasks involved in upgrading Ax­pert:

Sections of this chapter:

1.1 Pre-upgrade task

1.2 Post-upgrade tasks

    1.2.1 Removing Redis Keys

1.1 Pre-upgrade task

This section describes the task that has to be followed before upgrading Axpert.

•  Run nodeAppstop.bat batch file
from AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder to stop the server.

In the above syntax,

AXPERT_HOME is the location where your Axpert files are installed in your local drive.

1.2 Post-upgrade tasks

This section provides information about the tasks involved in the Axpert upgrade process.

1. Navigate to AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder.

In the above syntax,

AXPERT_HOME is the location where your Axpert files are installed in your local drive.

2. Double click npmInstall.bat file from AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder
to download the necessary node packages from internet.

3. Open the AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/web.config file using a text editor( for exam­ple, notepad) and
check whether the nodeAPI URL is pointing to the node server.

4. Navigate to the AxpertWeb/node/config/dbConfig.js file and perform the follow­ing:

    a)For Oracle database, tnsnamenode key must be the
tnsNode(Service Name) entry referring to the Oracle database. For example,


    b)For MySQL / MariaDB database, host key must have the
database IP. For example,

Save the changes and close the text editor.

5. Run nodeAppstart.bat batch file from AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb/node folder to
start the server.

1.2.1 Removing Redis Keys

This section provides information on the tasks after post-upgrade tasks.


Make sure that you have installed Redis in your system.

1. Navigate to the AXPERT_HOME/AxpertWeb\Config folder and delete the existing files if any.


In the above syntax,

AXPERT_HOME is the location where your Axpert files are installed in your local drive.

2. Remove the Redis keys. You can remove the Redis keys in two ways:

 • Axpert application 

 • Command prompt Removing Redis keys from Axpert application:

      2.1. Login to an Axpert web application.

      2.2. Navigate to the Utilities menu and
click In-Memory DB. The In-Memory DB page appears.

      2.3. Select all checkbox against SI.NO column and
click the Delete Se­lected Key icon.

   Establishing connections using Command prompt:

         To establish a connection in local server, follow the
steps mentioned below:

      – Open Run command, enter cmd and click OK.

      – Type redis-cli and press Enter.

      – Type auth password and press Enter.

      To establish a connection in remote server, follow the steps mentioned

      – Open Run command, enter cmd and click OK.

      – Type redis-cli -h “remote redis IP address” -p “remote redis port” -a
“redis password” and press Enter.

For example, redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a mysecretpassword Removing Redis Keys from Command prompt:

To delete a specific project in Axpert, type EVAL “for i, name in
ipairs(re­‘KEYS’, ‘(project name)-*’)) do‘DEL’, name); end” 0 and
press Enter.


To delete all projects in Axpert, type flushall and
press Enter.